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KrinBack™ Casing Brush

Pub Date:Feb 15,2022    |    Views:696    |    

KrinBack™ Casing Brush
Ø Non-rotating .
Ø More robust
Ø Ball bearing
Ø Improving the brush area by enchance the lenght of Brush psarts.(12 number of blade and brush)

Sharp Razor wellbore clean up tools: casing scraper, casing brush, string magnet, combo tools, BOP Jetting tools, Junk Busket, Multi-activation bypass system. 
#casingscraper #casingbrush #stringmagnet #combotools#BOPJettingtools #JunkBusket#Multiactivation #bypasssystem#costsaving #mill #fishingtools #junkmill #stringmagnet #scraper #casingscraper #casingbrush #wellborecleanupsolution #sharprazor #oilprices #Junkmill #PilotMill #TaperedMill #WatermelonMill #drilling #offshore #offshoredrilling #oilfield #oilandgas #lng #energy #petroleum #stringmill

Sharp Razor Brush.png

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