Daily News: NOV wins 2020 World Oil Award for Best Drilling Technology
Pub Date:Nov 18,2020 | Views:716 |
The World Oil Awards recognize the upstream oil and gas industry’s leading innovations and thought leaders. More than 270 nominates were submitted from around the world, and eighty-four finalists were selected. The award winners were carefully selected by the World Oil Awards advisory board as this year’s most groundbreaking industry developments.
For the category of “Best Drilling Technology,” NOV won for our 20,000 PSI qualified blowout preventer (BOP) stack. After a decade of development, we introduced the first fully qualified 20,000-psi BOP stack, opening exploration opportunities in difficult high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) environments, worldwide. The innovative BOP system results from combining industry-proven technological experience, new age analysis software, and innovative design philosophies. A holistic approach produced new products for virtually every major component while maintaining weight limitations, footprint restrictions, and control systems considerations.
Chevron, Transocean, and NOV collaborated on design specifications and development testing required to meet BSEE requirements, and their effort changes the way major development projects are executed.
Source From- NOV.com (2020.11.05)
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