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Daily News: Shell Crux Gas Field Development Proposal Has Been Approved

Pub Date:Sep 16,2020    |    Views:575    |    

Shell Crux Gas Field Development Proposal Has Been Approved

NOPSEMA, Australia's offshore oil and gas safety regulator, has approved Shell's proposed offshore project to develop the Crux gas field in the Browse basin off the north coast of Western Australia, OE reported on August 4.

The proposed Crux development, consisting of a platform and five production Wells, will be connected to the Prelude Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) facility via a 165-kilometer export pipeline.

NOPSEMA said On Tuesday that the plan had been accepted after "two years of thorough and careful evaluation." This includes a public comment process and consideration of all feedback under statutory time limits.

Regulators added that the Crux development project will require further regulatory approval, including an accepted environmental plan, well management plan and facility safety case, before proceeding. All necessary regulatory approvals must be granted before the event begins.

According to regulatory requirements, NOPSEMA will issue a rationale and OPP [offshore project proposal] final document within 10 days of accepting the decision, it said.

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