Pub Date:Jun 28,2018 | Views:736 |
Approximately 32% of failed completion operations results from debris being left in the wellbore.
Consider all of the associated costs of poor Wellbore Cleanup (WBCU) – additional logistics, lost operation time, additional time for service providers on the rig, and potential for damage to the well. In many cases, the overall Non-Productive Time (NPT) can run into the millions of dollars or result in the loss of the well. Even if the consequences do not result in NPT or loss of the well, small size particulates left in the well can block pore throats and reduce productions levels – settled solids can also reduce pay zone size.
Cost are not comparable when looking at these additional costs that come with a poor Wellbore Cleanup versus the costs of performing an exemplary SHARP RAZOR Wellbore Cleanup that includes both mechanical and chemical solutions. The combination of SHARP RAZORmechanical and chemicals solutions will minimize debris associated NPT and reduce, if not eliminate, formation damage, which increases production output and the lifespan of the well. The SHARP RAZORofferings include the following and much more:
Casings and Liners
Scraper Tools
Bristle Brushes
High Strength Magnets
Debris Retention Tools
High Flow Annular Circulation Tools
Inflow and Positive Test Tools
Riser Debris Tools and Junk Baskets
BOP Jetting ToolsChemical
Solvent and Surfactant Combinations
Corrosion Inhibitors
Oxygen Scavengers
These tools and applied technologies combined with the correct BHA design, Hydraulics Modelling, and Torque and Drag Analysis completed with SHARP RAZOR Hydraulics will maximize the effectiveness of the wellbore cleanout. In addition, many of these tools can be used in remedial work, such as fishing and casing exits, further reducing debris associated NPT. for Wellbore Cleanup is delivered by a team of specialists who concentrate only in WBCU systems – with a minimum of 5 years experience in this particular field for each member of the team.
For more information, please contact us.